Sunday, May 12
Today I went to church in Lolli,
another city 10 minutes away. Everyone was wearing heavy sweaters,
while I was sweating after a while in my thin sweater. That's what
it is like here, because to them, it is their winter, and it is
“cold” when it is 70*F.
Church was filled with traditional
music with drums, and other percussion which reminded me of Ghana.
However, the service was in their language, so clearly I didn't
understand the 2 ½ hours of Zulu mass, but was surprised and amused
to hear them sometimes use “clicks” in the Zulu language. And,
sometimes an english phrase would be said throughout the sermon, so
we could get the gist of it.
After church, Magda and Anezka normally
run a youth program, but due to lack of students, only Magda's
program ran. We talked about respecting each other and ourselves,
and then made Mother's day cards. After church I also met social
worker, Esther who I will be working with, and who was very happy to
meet me. I will start work with her tomorrow.
We had lunch with Sisters, and Sister
Margaret talked to me more about the school, about how these children
attending are the poorest of the poor, and come from very terrible
living conditions.
Weirdly enough, a full page of the
South African newspaper at the Sister's today was of Justin Bieber.
Um, what??
Tomorrow water is off in all of my
community because they are doing something to the reservoir. This
should be interesting, especially at the school. Our power is running
out too. Here, you pay for the power at the electric company, and
then are given a code you enter into your power box in your house to
get more power. So kind of like reloading minutes on a pay-as-you-go
phone. And it shows up on the screen how much you have until you run
Monday, May 13
Well, today was the hardest day I have
had since I have been here. But I will start with my fun early
First of all, this morning, Magda and
Anezka both said that they had never heard of peanut butter and jelly
sandwiches. (It was when I was making my lunch for the day). In the
Czech, they just have peanut butter and no jam with it. But they eat
nutella, so that's great. They said that we can buy it here, and I am
looking forward to that.
They also told me that they have
something better than nutella, and pulled out kinder surprises!!!
But, only kind of. There is a factory in South Africa that makes
them, and when they aren't perfect, they donate them to the school
the Sister's run. So it was just the milk chocolate and some crunchy
almost “co-co puffs” in half the encasing. I tried to explain
how they are illegal in the United States due to there being a toy
enclosed completely inside a food, and Magda asked if Americans are
not as smart as Canadians and Europeans, since anyone can see that
the toy inside (which is fully encased in plastic) is not edible.
We drove to school, and saw many other
children from the richer neighborhoods walking to school. The
children that we have at our school come from two different slums,
and would not be going to school if this school had not been built.
The Sister's help all 240+ students pay for or acquire a uniform, and
they must wear it every day to school. This helps them to not
compare themselves to each other, though all of them are really poor.
Before they blew the whistle for the students to all line up, all of
the children were gathered in the front of the school (which is huge
and new, by the way. They are still putting the finishing touches on
it still, so there are workers everywhere still). At this time, I
got to finally meet the priest from Halifax, Canada who has been very
excited to meet me. He was just ordained a priest and just arrived
in South Africa about 2 months ago.
When the whistle blew, the students all
lined up in their grade levels (1-7) and one of the Sisters
introduced me to all of the children, who all greeted me back. I just
loved seeing all of them this morning, and got to talk to a lot of
them. So today was very different because 3 of the 7 teachers were
gone to take their teaching exams, and because the water was getting
shut off. Grades 4-7 were divided from the younger ones, and while
waiting for breakfast, they were singing in probably Zulu, which was
really fun to hear. They sounded great, too, and were having a ton
of fun moving to the music.
After breakfast, the water shut off,
and so we walked some of the younger children back to their houses
because you can't run a school with that many people and no usable
toilets. While trying to get them to stay in 2 lines (which was
completely impossible), some of the boys were teaching me how to say
things in their language. Then I told them that I spoke Spanish, and
they said “Spanish is what you eat”, meaning spinach. Which is
just great, because of one of my favorite youtube videos:
When Sister had walked them to the
railroad bridge, she let them walk the rest of the way by themselves
since they were really close to all of their homes. The social worker
and I continued on to the “slum” to talk to the parents of one
child, and for me to see where and how most of the children lived. It
was really heart-breaking, and tears formed in my eyes when I had the
chance to look inside one of their “houses” made of sheets of tin
nailed together. No electricity. Mostly tiny, one-room shacks, where
I hear sometimes the children sleep on the floor with no bed. I've
never seen poverty this bad before. Luckily, when the tears came, I
was sitting with Esther talking to a parent, and had one of the
girls' on my lap, and I could hide behind her. One of the houses had
a little solar panel on his roof to generate a little light inside,
but the light was not bright at all. Luckily, there are clean water
taps around the “neighborhood” free for them to use.
Esther knew everyone in the
neighborhood, and we would stop to talk to everyone we met
(traditional African style), but she knew most of them. She knows
more people than I do, (if that is possible). She would explain to
people who I was, but in their language (she speaks all of the
languages here, so about 4 plus English). So I would hear “language
I can't understand...CHRISTINE... more language I can't understand...
CANADA OVERSEAS... more language... Social Worker.” Everyone was so
friendly and happy to meet me or just greet me while passing on the
street. Africans are just so welcoming. When we walked back to the
school, I found out Esther has been a social worker for 31 years,
working in prisons and with delinquent youth in South Africa. The
sisters asked her to come out of retirement to help them at their
school. (This may be a good time to say that only half the school is
grades 1-7, while the other half of the buildings are used for
“Skills” programs for women and men to learn to obtain jobs.
They have plumbing, electrician, carpentry, and sewing/traditional
African crafts like beading, and I'm not sure what else yet.)
school, Magda, Anezka and I went to grocery store, and it looked like
a Canadian/American grocery store with food that I am used to. I
found my tortilla shells and cheese (they have real cheese here
unlike Ghana), so I was very happy. When the water was turned back
on, the bathroom I use (we have 3 in our volunteer house) had flooded
a little bit and we had to use a mop and a broom and dust pan to
clean it up. The only reasonable explanation of where the water had
come from was from the ceiling due to where there were water splashes
around the flooded floor. The ceiling was not wet, but there is this
random pipe opening, so another “I don't understand”
moment. Anezka is gone for the week to another site to learn about a
retreat they are running, so it's just Magda and me.
Since today was the feast day of Sister
Mazarello, the founding sister of the Salesians (who the Sister's are
apart of), we had mass at the Sister's house with 4 priests, 4
Sisters, and 3 20-something year olds who are living with one of the
priests to see if they want to become one. They are from Swaziland,
and Magda and I ended up being at the same table as them for dinner,
and it was really fun to talk with them and the priest who was at the
mass yesterday. One of the priests asked me if I was in Johannesburg
last night. I was confused until they said that Justin Bieber was
performing there last night. Why is Justin Bieber in South Africa??
Weird. So we teased the priest back asking if he was there, and he
said no, that he wasn't a Bieliber. So funny!
Magda and I instantly became best
friends tonight, and we are already making plans for me to come see
her and Anezka in the Czech.
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